The camera we used to film the footage was a panasnonic, HDC-SD90 full HD.
This was provided to us by sixth form.
Camera Tripod
The tripod we used was a tripod provided by sixth form for us to use in the production.
To create the lighting we needed we used small handheld torches, these brought practical advantages such as being small and compact so were easy to use, and also efficiency advantages as they gave off a lot of light at great power.
I provided the torches for lighting.
These are the extra prop's we used in our production:
Tomato ketchup
This was used in the production to represent fake blood on the girl when she falls and hits her head. We wanted to use ketchup as it was a practice alternative for fake blood and very easy to apply. I provided the ketchup.
We used the axe as a murder weapon in the final scene of our production.
I provided the axe.